Being an imperfect environmentalist.

We are on a constant journey to becoming the best version of ourselves. Being an environmentalist means that one is concerned about protecting the environment. Regardless of how much you want to protect the environment, it is impossible to be perfect. But imperfection does not mean we can neglect it entirely. There is a sense… Continue reading Being an imperfect environmentalist.

SHELLfish for their actions?

Shell is planning to gather information on if there is any oil/ gas deep under the seabed through using soundwaves which will go off every 10 seconds (that are directed downwards), which they claim to be safe. The ‘Seismic Oil Survey’ will run for 4 or 5 months and is to produce sounds that compare… Continue reading SHELLfish for their actions?

Veganism & Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC)

“Veganism can only be about the liberation of animals when it also stops the oppression of people.” – Demi Colleen  Despite the terminology ‘Veganism’ being coined by British woodworker Donald Watson in 1994, the root of veganism stems from ancient Indian and West Asian cultures. Since the vegan lifestyle has been adopted by mainstream society… Continue reading Veganism & Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC)

Internal male gaze

The terminology “Male gaze” was coined by Laura Mulvey, a film critic, describing the cinematic angle of a heterosexual male on a female character.  Internalised male gaze was defined by Urban Dictionary as the act of depicting women in media and literature through the eyes of a heterosexual male. There is a focus that everything… Continue reading Internal male gaze

White Privilege

originally posted on the 27th of March 2020 A book that touches on a topic that I and all other white people comfortably and obliviously take for granted. Freedom. The freedom to speak, act and love as we please. We don’t live in a society that sees our bodies as disposable. We don’t go to… Continue reading White Privilege

Fashion revolution

originally posted on 29th of June 2018 On 24 April 2013, the deadliest garment accident occurred in history, the five-story commercial building Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh collapsed due to structure failure and the unwillingness to attend to it to cut costs, allowing the most affordable garments to be produced for retailers. 1,138 people died… Continue reading Fashion revolution